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New police lead steps up to take the fight to cybercriminals in the South East

Detective Superintendent Patrick Milford has joined as Director of the South East Cyber Resilience Centre taking the reins from the SECRC’s previous director Andy Richardson who recently retired.

Patrick joined the team from his role as Head of Major, Economic and Cyber Crime in Essex and Kent Police’s Serious Crime Directorate, which he transferred to after moving to Kent Police in 2018.


Patrick joined Devon and Cornwall Police in 1997 after graduating from Queen Mary's University London, in 2000 he joined CID, transferring to the Metropolitan Police Service in 2004.  Here, Patrick worked in a variety of investigative roles, the majority of which were within specialist crime. Patrick was an SIO on one of the Met Police's Homicide teams.

Patrick has led on numerous complex homicide investigations, and was instrumental in developing a series of proactive responses to fraud and cybercrime, which were adopted nationally. Patrick is an accredited Senior Investigating Officer (SIO), and a Strategic Investigator and brings a wealth of experience to the SECRC.

Commenting on his appointment, Detective Superintendent Patrick Milford, said,

“To have joined the SECRC in its fourth year is a brilliant and exciting opportunity. A big thank you goes to D/Supt Andy Richardson and DI Chris White in building such a strong network and links with organisations across the region. I have thoroughly enjoyed my first few months in post.  The ability to speak to businesses and other organisations to help reduce their risk of cyber attacks is incredibly rewarding.”
“I come to the SECRC with a passion to support micro, small, and medium sized organisations.  Coming from an upbringing where my parents worked in a family business I understand the stresses, pressures, and long hours that are involved in running Micro and SME’s.  Having seen at first hand the damage cyber attacks can cause to these organisations I am committed to support these organisation, and reduce the risk of businesses, charities, and the educational sector to become a victim of such attacks.”
“In the coming months, I hope to speak to and engage with the business communities across the South East, understand their concerns and priorities, and understand how we can best support them.  I am looking forward to developing the SECRC to become the regional hub where business come for support and advice.”


Outside of work Patrick is kept busy with 2 young children and enjoys walking, and swimming.


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