We are delighted to announce the latest member who has joined the SECRC Advisory Group. Welcome Heather Hadfield, the Consortium Manager for South East Grid for Learning (SEGfL).

Heather is the consortium manager for South East Grid for Learning (SEGfL), one of the 7 remaining regional broadband consortia in England. Heather has driven the profile in cyber security across the consortium through involvement with partners such as the SEROCU, helping to raise awareness in schools and member local authorities.
Heather is the vice-chair of the NEN- the education network and on behalf of the group worked with NCSC on a joint project to increase cyber security awareness for school staff through easy to follow resource cards. She represents the NEN on two Digital Policy Alliance groups: cyber security/ E-crime and 21st Century skills, providing a voice for the schools’ sector. Heather is also the South East regional lead for the DfE EdTech Demonstrator Programme.
Heather is passionate about ensuring cyber security is not solely a technical subject but one that also focuses on behaviours and simple messaging.
On joining the SECRC Advisory Group, Heather said: “I am is excited to be part of the SECRC advisory group, helping communities and organisations across the region understand the cyber threats and providing education and solutions to defend themselves.”
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