Your people can be your biggest asset and with security awareness training they can become highly effective barriers to cyber-crime. Security awareness training provides simple and effective knowledge for people to understand their environment and provides the confidence to challenge when something doesn’t look right.
With a quarter of charities (26%) reporting having had cyber security breaches or attacks in the last 12 months, it’s extremely important that organisations are doing all they can to upskill employees in practicing basic cyber hygiene.
Our Security Awareness Training is focussed on those with little or no cyber security or technical knowledge and is delivered in small, succinct modules using real world examples.
The training is tailored to each individual audience to provide the right level of skills and context for your business. The trainers are highly knowledgeable, personable and friendly and pride themselves on providing the right environment for your people to feel comfortable and to ask questions.

We recently delivered the Security Awareness Training to the Thames Valley Partnership who are a charity based in the South East region. The partnership works with organisations operating within the Criminal Justice system and allied services to provide long-term solutions to the problems of crime and social exclusion.
A representative from the Thames Valley Partnership said: “Just a short note to say a massive thank you to Chris, who delivered a great training session to our staff this week. I have to say, mostly they find IT deadly boring and probably groaned when they saw my email to book into the training session! However, we got some really positive feedback and they all stayed engaged right to the end.
“Chris has great delivery as a trainer and made it interesting and relevant. I definitely think they all went away feeling much more in control and better placed to identify security risks, for the work and their personal IT security at home – which is really important now that more of them are working remotely too.”
Find out more about our Security Awareness Training and our other available services on our dedicated Services page.