Remote Working is Everyday Working
Remote working is any work that's done outside of a physical office. This is also referred to as telecommuting or working from home. The benefits of remote working include; allowing us to achieve work on daily tasks without needing to commute to an office each day.
Whilst various levels of remote employment existed before the pandemic, many workplaces were forced into adapting to this change when lockdown rules were in effect. As well as fully remote workers, many businesses have staff who have flexible working environments, such as office workers who want to ensure they still have personal connections with their colleagues and client via the traditional office environment.
Flexible working has long also been everyday working for workers who may not have the capacity to work from home on a full-time basis. This includes a whole host of roles, including building contractors, field sales and photographers.
What are the risks of Remote Working?
It's a common misconception that cybercriminals only target people who work in HR departments, as their job involves opening and managing multiple 'official' documents - often coming from unknown sources e.g CV's, application forms and invoices. With the continued rise of the number of freelances, cybercriminals are shifting their focus and are now targeting those who work remotely.
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